
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Senator Pennacchio Calls on Legislature to Show Same Concern for Unborn Children Shown for Animals

Senator Joe Pennacchio

from Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life

Please read Senator Pennacchio's Press Release below pointing out the hypocrisy of the Legislature's efforts to pass humane laws to protect animals, while refusing to post legislation that will protect human babies in the womb capable of feeling pain from cruel and excruciating late term abortions.

We are very grateful to all our NJ Senate and Assembly members who have sponsored A1686/S537, the NJ Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

If you wish to thank Senator Pennacchio for speaking out on this important issue, you can do so by calling his office at 973 227-4012 or email him at the email address below:

Pennacchio: When Will Legislature Show Same Concern for Unborn Children It Shows for Animals?

After another batch of bills to protect the rights of animals moved forward in the legislative process, Senator Joe Pennacchio asked when the New Jersey Legislature will do anything to protect the rights of unborn children.

Sen. Joe Pennacchio speaking at a New Jersey State House press conference on the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” on December 5, 2016. (

“It’s inexplicable that the Legislature is capable of passing countless bills to protect pets and circus animals while being utterly incapable of taking action to protect unborn human life,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “It’s great that we love our pets and wildlife so much that we want to pass new laws to keep them safe and prevent suffering, but we should love people too. It’s time to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.”

Within the past week, Senate committees approved “Nosey’s Law,” which prohibits use of wild or exotic animals in traveling animal acts (S-1903), along with a prohibition against the surgical declawing of cats and other animals (S-1209).

Meanwhile, the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” remains stalled more than two years after introduction. The legislation (S-537), sponsored by Pennacchio, prohibits abortions after 20 weeks.

Medical studies have shown unborn children can feel pain in the womb at least by 20 weeks, if not before.

“This double-standard in the Legislature of caring about animals more than people needs to end,” Pennacchio added. “If we believe that suffering is wrong, we should do something to prevent it, regardless of whether it’s a dog, a cat, or a human fetus.”

New Jersey Right to Life is the state’s largest and most active pro-life, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting and fostering the most basic value of our society – human life. As the premier pro-life organization in NJ, we continue to lead the effort on all public policy matters concerning the sanctity of human life at the state and federal level. We promote, uphold, and support reverence and respect for all innocent human life from conception to natural death, without regard to condition, or circumstances of conception, quality, age, race, religion, creed, or color, whether born or pre-born. For more information or to make a donation to help them with their work, please use this link.

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