
Sunday, June 10, 2018

The More Billboards – The More People Reached! It’s Proven and it Works. Best of All, Babies’ Lives are Being Saved!


PROLIFE Across AMERICA’s mission since 1989 has been to reach out through billboard, radio, and newspaper ads to people who may not be reached in any other way. Our ads create an “Atmosphere of Life” in a “culture of death.” So often our tender and touching ads are the only visible sign offering hope and help to someone who may be on the brink of an abortion decision.
“I thought you should know, your billboard saved a baby’s life! A mother came in and asked for help after seeing your ad and realizing her baby already had a beating heart!” – Pregnancy Center Counselor, Marshall, TX
“I used to be pro-choice until I saw your billboard. I didn’t know a baby had a heartbeat as early as 18 days. I’ll never say I’m pro-choice again!” -Columbus, OH
“Your billboard hit me right between the eyes. I never thought about adoption. It’s an answer for me and an answer for the baby!” – Minnesota caller
“I couldn’t go through with my abortion after I saw your ad. I had no idea the baby was so developed.” – St. Louis, MO
“I think you should know your billboard is the reason I cancelled my abortion.” -Ann  

“I couldn’t go through with my abortion after I saw that ad. I never knew the baby’s heart was beating at 18 days.” - Melanie, OH

I had 2 abortions, they told me it was just tissue…” Read Jane’s Story

I’m 11 weeks pregnant & single, it would just be easier to have an abortion but I want to know all my options…” Read Nancy’s Story

“I’m sending a photo of my grandchild. You can show others if you wish. It’s a small way of saying “thank you” for those billboards. My grandson is here today because my daughter saw those ads and made the decision for life” (Minnesota)
“Thanks for what you are doing for the babies and others. I know God forgives me for the two previous lives I took, but I still live with such terrible regret. Thank you for what you are doing to help others.” (Wisconsin)
“I’m looking at my little one year old son and I had to call you. I found your yellow Facts Card in the ladies room of a restaurant and after reading it I couldn’t go through with an abortion. Thank you for what you do.” (S. Dakota)
“We couldn’t believe it when we read your Billboard about a Baby with Down Syndrome being “blessing.” We actually turned the car around and drove by it a second time.
 We have a little girl with Downs and you are right –she is the greatest blessing in our lives. Thank you! Denver, CO
 “When I was 33, my mother shared with me that she changed her mind to abort me and decided to give me birth. Little did she know, it would be me who would take care of her after my father died, until the end of her life. God bless your mission.” Canyon Lake, TX
PROLIFE Across AMERICA Mission Statement:

PROLIFE Across AMERICA is a non-profit, non-political organization dedicated to changing hearts and saving babies’ lives. We are committed to bringing positive, persuasive messages, offering information and alternatives – including adoption – and post-abortion assistance to those in need. We base our beliefs on Biblical principles and Roman Catholic teaching.


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