
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Trump Brings Up Human Rights Abuses With Kim Jong Un After Reports of Horrific Forced Abortions in North Korea

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Although the issue of denuclearization was the biggest topic during the meeting of President Donald Trump and North Korea dictator Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump told the media that he did bring up human rights abuses with the leader of the Communist nation.

That President Trump brought up human rights abuses is critically important given the horrific reports of forced abortions in North Korea. Abortions and infanticide are reportedly rampant and the Asian nation especially in the gulag prison system.

“It was discussed. It will be discussed more in the future — human rights,” Trump said. “It was discussed. It was discussed relatively briefly compared to denuclearization. Well, obviously, that’s where we started and where we ended. But they will be doing things, and I think he wants to do things.”
The reports of forced abortions are part of a 2014 United Nations investigation.

If you've never read the United Nations report from 2014 about the egregious human rights violations and crimes against humanity in North Korea, you need to read it. I'm threading some key quotes below:
"Inmates are imprisoned, usually for life, in camps without ever having been brought before a judge... They have never been charged, convicted or sentenced... [Many] are incarcerated based solely on the principle of guilt by family association. Some are even born prisoners."
"The intentional killings... through summary executions, beatings, infanticide, deliberate starvation and other illegal means, all amount to the crime of murder... The prisoners are often so weakened from malnourishment and disease that they are literally worked to death."

"Rape is regularly committed in the political prison camps of the DPRK. They are a product of the environment of the prison camps and the impunity generally enjoyed by camp officials... In other cases, women are pressed into 'consensual' sexual relations."
"The imposition of forced abortions on female inmates who become pregnant without authorization not only results in immediate physically harm, it also interferes with the victim’s reproductive rights and causes severe emotional suffering."

"The police... systematically employ violence and punishments that amount to gross human rights violations in order to create a climate of fear that pre-empts any challenge to the current system of government... The institutions and officials involved are not held accountable."
"These crimes against humanity entail extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence, persecution... the forcible transfer [and] the enforced disappearance of persons and... knowingly causing prolonged starvation."

Harrowing stories of forced abortions and corpses fed to dogs came out of North Korea ahead of a historic summit between its dictator and President Donald Trump. Two defectors recently spoke to CBN News about the abuses that they experienced and witnessed in the north Asian country.

Heeon-A Ji escaped to China three times but was sent back to North Korea before she eventually escaped to freedom, according to the report.

Ji said she watched many women being forced to abort their unborn babies in prison labor camps.

“Pregnant women were forced into harsh labor all day,” she said. “At night, we heard pregnant mothers screaming and babies died without ever being able to see their mothers.”
Bo Bin Kim, who also defected from North Korea, said she was forced to abort her unborn baby without an anesthetic.

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