
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

You Can Help Close This Abortion Clinic That Kills Babies in Abortions Up to Birth

By Cheryl Sullenger
Life News

In Bethesda, Maryland, there stands a non-descript multi-floor medical office building on busy Old Georgetown Road. Passersby likely give it a second thought – although perhaps they should.

One of the more recent tenants in the Wildwood Medical Center happens to be late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart and his (ACO) facility. It is one of a handful of abortion facilities that openly abort babies throughout all nine months of pregnancy.

Now Operation Rescue is trying to persuade ACO’s landlord to terminate the abortion facility’s lease.

Carhart’s abortion business drew attention just a couple of weeks ago when it lost its waste disposal company, Biomedical Waste Services, which picked up the remains of aborted babies at Carhart’s office – some known to be as old as 31 weeks gestation – thanks to a public campaign launched by Operation Rescue.

“As far as we can tell, Carhart still has not been able to sign on with another waste disposal company. Who knows what he is doing with the remains of babies he aborts? It is likely that the amount of human tissue being stored in his office could pose a health hazard to everyone in the building,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
The building is operated by Aubinoe Management Company. Since Carhart moved in last October, local pro-life activists have tried to convince the company’s president, Alvin “Tripp” Aubinoe, III, to terminate its agreement with Carhart and force him out of the building.

Now with the biohazard threat that ACO must pose, Aubinoe has the perfect excuse to get rid of Carhart’s notoriously unpopular abortion facility.

According to pro-life activist Missy Smith, who has canvassed the 40+ offices that share the building with Carhart’s grisly abortion business, most of the other tenants – primarily dentists and orthodontists who see a lot of children – would like to see Carhart go. They have complained that they are losing business due to the presence of the late-term abortion facility.

“It is our understanding that Carhart’s lease agreements with the Aubinoe Management Company could easily be terminated for cause in light of suspected ongoing biohazard issues and lost business suffered by his other tenants,” said Newman. “Aubinoe also has plans invest a large amount of money in an expansion the office complex at that location. But who would willingly lease office space next to a troubled late-term abortion business? He stands to lose a lot of money as long as Carhart remains one of his tenants.”
Maryland is one of the few states that allow abortions with no gestational limit. If Carhart’s ACO abortion business was asked to leave the Bethesda location, it may be some time before he can find another facility to lease – if ever.
“Imagine how many lives would be spared if Carhart was forced to shut down in Bethesda and could not get another office in Maryland! Imagine how many women would be safe from his well-known sloppy abortion practices,” said Newman. “By just by making a phone call, pro-life supporters could possibly close down Carhart’s very late-term abortion business, perhaps even permanently.”
Operation Rescue is asking pro-life supporters to contact Tripp Aubinoe and the Aubinoe Management Company and respectfully ask them to terminate the Carhart/ lease immediately.


Aubinoe Management Company
Alvin “Tripp” Aubinoe, President
Office: 301-986-9070.
Cell: 240-372-4314

Note: Cheryl Sullenger is a leader of Operation Rescue.

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