
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Abortion And Fathers’ Rights, A Silent Evil

by James Washington
Human Defense Initiative

Men often feel powerless at the whim of societal pressures to allow the mother to end their child’s life, and with no true legal rights for fathers regarding abortion, the ability to advocate for the life of your child seems impossible.

Fathers have no right to be notified of their partner’s decision to abort their child nor do they have the right of non-consent to the abortion. Upholding the rights of fathers to protect their preborn child’s life becomes a crucial stepping-stone to creating a pro-life culture and outlawing abortion. Gender roles provide balance within society, and when the issue of abortion is dominated by its impact on women, we regularly fail to recognize the impact on men.

Ask anyone who is pro-abortion whether they value consent; their answer will most likely be “yes.” Ask them whether they believe a man must consent to a woman aborting their child; their answer will most likely be “no.”

Article continues here 

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