
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Archbishop Chaput Signs Lay-led Declaration in Support of Humanae Vitae

by Ted Meehan

Humanae Vitae 50 Coalition 

The 50th Anniversary of Blessed Paul VI’s prophetic encyclical “Humanae Vitae” is on July 25. That encyclical warned of the dangers that could result to our Culture from the use of the Contraceptive “Pill”. Objectification of women. Pornography. Rampant promiscuity. Abortion. Forced contraception by tyrannical governments. Assaults upon religious liberty. Assaults upon marriage.

We have seen them all! Sixty million babies have been surgically aborted in America. Today nearly half of all babies born in America are born out of wedlock. (In 1962, when the Pill came into the market, the rate was 3%.) Religious Liberty has been rejected in favor of Same sex Marriage. The Little Sisters of the Poor have been mandated to fund abortions and contraceptives by national healthcare mandates, and our Pennsylvania Attorney General continues to litigate against these religious women.

This Anniversary provides an opportunity for our Church to light a candle against the darkness. Please send information to your parish priests and ask that they mark this Anniversary by joining Archbishop Chaput in signing the Declaration by clicking on the image below, by speaking to the faithful on this topic, and by encouraging the faithful to add their names to the Declaration. 


If possible attend the showing of “The Sexual Revolution” on July 25 at 7pm at Malvern Retreat House’s McShain Hall,  315 S. Warren Avenue, Malvern, Pennsylvania, about 30 miles west of Philadelphia.

Here is an article from LifeSiteNews about this effort.

Please share this message with your own networks.  

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