
Monday, July 16, 2018

Black Leadership Needs to Acknowledge that Margaret Sanger, Founder of PP, was a White Supremacist

By Rev. Clenard H. Childress, Jr

Nationwide — Aqunda Okeyo, who while serving as the Communications Chair for the March for Racial Justice, made an incendiary and thought-provoking observation when she boldly proclaimed, “If we want to end White Supremacy, White America needs to step it up.”

I partially agree based on the premise that one believes that White Supremacy is the chief culprit then certainly unbiased White Americans would then become the primary agents designated to initiate change. This equation is also true when it comes to our police departments’ crisis with police brutality. There is not a department in the country where existing – and some retired officers – are not unaware of the officers who should not be wearing the uniform. Police know where the cancer is on the force, yet too often, due to their dedication to their fraternal order, they protect malignant officers, remaining silent regarding their abuses. Thus, the issue of police brutality continues at the detriment of good officers and is a grave injustice to the citizens they are called to serve and protect.

Continue reading this article here 

Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr. is the founder of – a movement designed to reach the Afro-American community with the truth about abortion.

The purpose of this web site is to expose the disproportionate amount of Black babies destroyed by the abortion industry. For every two African American women that get pregnant one will choose to abort. A Black baby is 5 times more likely to be killed in the womb than a White Baby. For more information, please use this link.

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