
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Court Drops Bogus Charges Against David Daleiden for Exposing Planned Parenthood Baby Part Sales

The expose’ videos catching Planned Parenthood officials selling the body parts of aborted babies have shocked the nation.

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

A court has dropped some of the bogus charges against pro-life advocate David Daleiden, who exposed the sales of body parts from aborted babies at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics and throughout the abortion industry.

The National Abortion Federation (NAF) dismissed seven out of eleven claims on Friday against Daleiden and his organization, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), in court on Friday. In 2015, NAF sued David and CMP after they began releasing undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby body parts. Buying and selling fetal tissue is illegal under federal law.

Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund attorney Charles LiMandri said NAF successfully obtained a “gag order” from the court preventing Daleiden and CMP, during the course of litigation, from releasing the undercover videos recorded at NAF abortion conferences. Although dropping seven of the charges is a positive step, by dismissing the seven claims NAF is trying to speed up the case so it can secure a permanent gag order against David and CMP, which would block the release of the videos regardless of the case’s outcome, he said.
“NAF’s latest litigation maneuvering shows that this case has only ever been about one thing—an unconstitutional silencing of a pro-life hero. As the Trump Administration continues its investigation of NAF’s gruesome actions, we expect their lawyers to do everything they can to permanently silence David. After all, NAF realizes just as much as we do that criminal indictments for many of NAF’s members are only a matter of time,” LiMandri said in a statement.
NAF’s remaining claims accuse David and CMP of fraudulent misrepresentation, promissory fraud, breach of contract, and civil conspiracy. For instance, NAF complains that David broke the law because he allegedly violated the purported confidentiality agreements he signed at NAF’s annual conference.

LiMandri said: “NAF is using these purported confidentiality agreements to hide their criminal deeds. But the public has a right to know about the true nature of the abortion industry. We hope that as this case moves forward, the court concludes that NAF’s remaining claims are meritless.”

FCDF attorneys and co-counsel at the Thomas More Society will be filing a motion to dismiss NAF’s remaining claims.

LiMandri added: “Seven down; four to go.”

Daleiden tweeted the good news late Monday from his Twitter account.
Over the weekend @PPact proxies @NatAbortionFed DROPPED all their bogus accusations of RICO, fraud, illegal video, etc against me! Now all they have left is a few bogus contract disputes. NAF is just mad that my undercover team were better Exhibitors than their regular members!
The gag order that the 9th Circuit placed on the Center for Medical Progress is unconstitutional based on past Supreme Court decisions, according to Daleiden’s attorneys. The Supreme Court previously decided that such gag orders and other forms of prior restraint are “the most serious and least tolerable infringement on First Amendment rights.” It also ruled that prior restraint is particularly harmful “when the prior restraint falls upon the communication of news and commentary on current events.”

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