
Monday, July 30, 2018

Finally! Bayer Backs Down!

Bayer to Stop Selling Controversial Sterilization Device Following Mounting Lawsuits and Complaints

PRI Celebrates Victory for Women’s Health

by Jonathan Abbamonte
Population Research Institute

After years of litigation and sustained pressure from thousands of women who have reported injuries and other adverse side effects from the Essure sterilization coil, Bayer, the device’s manufacturer, has announced that it will discontinue selling Essure in the United States by the end of the year.

In a press release last Friday, Bayer announced that it would cease selling or distributing Essure after December 31st. Bayer also notified the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday of its decision to withdraw the device.

Since Essure was first approved by the FDA in 2002, the FDA has received nearly 27,000 adverse events reports associated with the device including reports of persistent abdominal pain, severe allergic and autoimmune reactions, bleeding, bloating, hair loss, headaches, device migration, device breakage, and perforation of the uterus, fallopian tubes or other organs. Bayer has also independently received over 30,000 complaints for the device.

Read more here

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