
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Local Pro Lifers Host Screening Commemorating Humanae Vitae's 50th Anniversary

Viewers await the screening of Sexual Revolution

On July 25th 1968 soon to be Saint Pope Paul VI issued Humanae Vitae "Of Human Life". What has happened since it was issued?

We have seen the decline of children, increase of infertility, sexual promiscuity, porn epidemic, abortion on demand with the Roe v Wade, and the use of artificial birth control.

On the golden jubilee of the encyclical, a group of pro-lifers hosted a screening at Malvern Retreat House's Upper McShain room with 350 in attendance. A third of those in attendance were youth and young adults.

Michael Norton of the Retreat House was "honored to host the screening".

Tim Murane pointed out that a petition for the historic document has acquired 2,000 signatures from Philadelphia bishops, especially Archbishop Charles Chaput, along with other members of the clergy like Cardinal Raymond Burke and Father Paul Scalia.

The documentary follows Alana Newman, a musician, who embarks on a journey to find out who her father was. She discovers that he was Polish and he wanted nothing to do with her . Along the way he discovered the work of Theology of the Body by Saint John Paul the Great and other works from pro life icons.

Everything that was echoed by Pope Paul VI 50 years ago reigns true today. We have seen 50% divorce rate, abortion on demand, high cohabitation rate, sexual promiscuity, porn epidemic, feminism, and even rise of single parenting.

Dr. Monique Ruberu discusses the benefits of NFP and Creighton Model

He even encourage doctors and scientists to teach natural planning that is in line with the Catholic Church while holding them accountable for promoting death.

Archbishop Chaput has been very provocative in his praise for the historic encyclical. See his commentary here.  

What do we need to do as faithful pro-lifers is to proclaim the gospel of life and encourage everyone to build a culture of life and love. The truth is on our side and it will set those who are enslaved by the lies of the sexual revolution free. We are made for love, not us.

Fr. Joe Zaleski, President of Generation Life, delivers closing remarks

The good news, as Father Joe Zaleski, is that people are fed up with the lies and counterfeit, which organizations like The Culture Project and Generation Life have collectively disputed through classroom visits and even multimedia projects. He shared how girls in her class stopped using birth control after a talk from Generation Life.

If interested in hosting a screening of the prophetic documentary, visit for more information.

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