
Monday, July 9, 2018

New Technology Emphasizes The Humanity Of The Preborn

Petra Wallenmeyer
Human Defense Initiative

Research has already shown us preborn humans can recognize facial structures, learn language, react to music, and recognize their mother's voice. Now, new technologies are showcasing the humanity of the preborn in a manner accessible to the general public, promoting the bond between the mother and child, and empowering women to find support and healthcare for themselves and their children before and after birth.

One new technologically-savvy product in the works is Womba, the brainchild of a mom with a music technology PhD, Aura Pon. Pon and her co-inventor, Johnty Wang, have produced a prenatal musical instrument. Their wearable creation lights up to indicate where and how hard the child is kicking, and emits a sound from the built-in speakers correlated to the child’s movements.

The speakers allow both the mother and preborn child to hear the music being produced. Moms can even choose different types of sounds. Pon and Wang were inspired to make the hobby a serious project to take advantage of the benefits of playing music for preborn babies. Pon added, “It’s also about bonding. Those that can't feel the kicks all the time, you know, they can now see it and hear it and start to be like, 'That's a person in there.'” Pon and Wang have already applied for a U.S. patent and have an investor interested in helping them develop the product.

Article continues here

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