
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Planned Parenthood Kills More Blacks in 2 Weeks than the KKK Killed in a Century

She [Margaret Sanger] led the crusade to, in her own words, “prevent the birth of defectives”.

By Ryan Bomberger
Town Hall

What is it about truth that sends people scrambling to their “safe” (dishonest) spaces? Too many have such a visceral aversion to the truth. Even among fellow Christians, who claim that the truth sets us free, the resistance to inarguable facts is often met with misapplied defenses of grace and non-judgement.

One of my latest memes set off a firestorm among those who think that invoking history to illuminate its repeated present is “offensive”, “disgusting”, and “hurtful”.

The online graphic reads: 

“We kill more black lives in 2 weeks than the KKK lynched in a century…Planned Parenthood: Eugenics. No Matter What.” 
The URL in the meme provides the context of how abortion has become the leading killer in the black community. And finally, an image of a noose appears above those words as an instrument of racial violence (which killed an estimated 3,446 African-Americans). Today, an estimated 247 black lives are killed every day by Planned Parenthood with forceps, vacuum aspiration machines, chemicals and other devices.

Thousands liked and loved the meme on social media. It was even posted on Instagram by Bill Johnson—pastor of California megachurch, Bethel Church. I wish more pastors would stand firm in truth and love like he does. If churches actually talked openly about social issues, we’d could better address the brokenness (that only God can heal) in our present.

Some were more offended by the image of a noose than the fact that those made in the image of God have been slaughtered by the millions. Where is the outrage over the shedding of innocent blood?

In fact, Instagram deleted our post, warning us they would restrict or disable our account if we violate their guidelines again. We didn’t violate any guidelines. They claimed the meme “threatened” or “encouraged violence”. How does a meme denouncing racial violence possibly threaten violence against anyone?

Instagram can delete our posts, and even our account, but they can’t delete the truth. And of course, there was no due process, no appeal process, no one to reach to correct this injustice. There was no option other than to click OK and the purge was complete. #Liberalism.

Soooo…the meme is the problem, not the genocide. And yes, I used the word genocide. Fannie Lou Hamer did, too. Oh, and so did pre-pro-abortion Rev. Jesse Jackson.

What do you call it when more black babies are killed by abortion than are born alive? This is the grim reality in NYC where Planned Parenthood was spawned. Pro-abortion activists call this ‘reproductive justice’. When did justice become the strong and the profitable prevailing over the weak?

Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, boasted about keynoting a Ku Klux Klan meeting on in her autobiography (pp. 366-367). And no, not everyone was a racist in 1938, nor was every political figure open to speaking to a terrorist organization like the KKK. But Sanger found it amusing to address a secret meeting with KKK members and bragged about getting a dozen offers to speak to similar groups.

Sanger’s Planned Parenthood and Birth Control Review boards were filled with eugenicists who proudly paraded their racism and elitism. One of those was Lothrop Stoddard, a eugenicist, klansman, Planned Parenthood Board member and a prolific writer whose words inspired the NAZIS. His 1921 book, The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy (as if you need any further explanation than the title), was a blueprint for racial hygiene theory employed with grotesque and incomprehensible effect during the Holocaust. Stoddard wrote (pg. 162): 

“The white race divides into three main sub-species the Nordics, the Alpines, and the Mediterraneans. All three are good stocks, ranking in genetic worth well above the various colored races. However, there seems to be no question that the Nordic is far and away the most valuable type; standing, indeed, at the head of the whole human genus. As Madison Grant well expresses it, the Nordic is ‘The Great Race.’” 
Madison Grant was the co-founder of the deeply racist American Eugenics Society (AES), and his book Passing of the Great Race was considered by Hitler to be his most valuable book.

Sanger was a member of the AES and was its most public figure. She led the crusade to, in her own words, “prevent the birth of defectives”.

Blogger's note:

For more details on Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger, and how her views on racism and the elimination of 'defectives' fueled the widespread acceptance and practice of abortion visit Black Genocide.

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