
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Planned Parenthood Opens New Centers in Elizabeth (NJ) and Tallahassee (FL)

STOPP International 

Back in 2016, we brought you news of a new five-year effort by Planned Parenthood to beautify its killing centers across the nation. It is called the “Planned Parenthood Experience” and its aim is to make people feel better about their visits to Planned Parenthood. You see, an expensive design firm convinced Planned Parenthood that the reason it was losing customers was because its buildings aren’t pretty enough. Planned Parenthood officials bought into this hogwash and began pouring millions of dollars into the new facilities.

Recently, two of the new facilities opened their doors.

On June 25, Planned Parenthood of Northern, Central, and Southern New Jersey held a grand opening for their new, state-of-the-art health center in Elizabeth, NJ. At the opening ceremonies, Jackie Cornell, Principal Deputy Commissioner with the New Jersey Department of Health, said “Planned Parenthood clinics like this one offer an array of vital reproductive health care services —from well-woman check-ups to birth control to abortion. We need them now more than ever because of threats at the federal level.”

The purpose of STOPP International is really quite simple. We intend to cause such discontent with Planned Parenthood programs that it will have no choice but to close its doors and get out of town! That doesn't seem like too much to ask of an organization that has been ruthlessly attacking our children for years-abusing them in the womb and in the classroom.  For more information, please use this link. 

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