
Friday, July 6, 2018

President Trump and the Border Children - Facts vs. False Reports!

This is not a usual post here on Voices for Life/the Unborn, but one that touches on a subject which I feel called to address.

President Trump has been continually vilified by many since taking office (and even during the presidential campaign), but lately it seems that everyone is jumping on the 'Hate-Trump' bandwagon. Why? Because he is enforcing an order issued by a previous president that has to do with the children who crossed the border recently who are now being held in centers apart from their parents or 'guardians'.

My personal opinion is that President Trump should be applauded for his actions. Why?

For the first time in their lives the majority of these children:

  • Have a roof over their heads
  • Have three good, nourishing meals
  • Have a clean, comfortable bed for sleeping
  • Are getting much needed medical care 
And while some see them as being kept in 'cages' away from society, I see them as being kept secure and safe from the predators who have victimized them over the course of their journey.

In a recent article by Kemberlee Kayea for PJ MediaLee Whitt, a former border medic noted that one of these young children was raped many times by those who were bringing her to the border. She may never recover from the physical and emotional abuse she suffered.  Below is an excerpt from that article. 

In horrifyingly graphic detail, Whitt explained why so many children are separated from their families at the border:
Most of the children that started coming across the border 3 or 4 years ago were alone or with smugglers that worked double duty with the cartels. The adults that were with them often lied and said they were the parents which was not true. Even the children that were with their parents or parent were often times in dangerous situations. These children were separated back then and are still separated to this day. It is heartbreaking to see such events unfold and nobody, from the Border Patrol, Texas Law Enforcement or Texas EMS professionals were happy to be tasked with such work. We did not abuse any children. Instead, we cared for them. We fed them and gave them water, clothes, medical care and comfort.

All of these kids were sick or ill. It might be something as simple as dehydration but often times it was more than that. Much more........
Such as the 10 year old girl that I flew [Air Evacuated] who had been raped no less than 10 times on her journey. Her private parts torn by the continued trauma inflicted each night of her stay in the desert. Her screams and cries of mistrust still haunt me to this day when I think about it. 
Then there was a little boy who was only 5 years old covered in scabies, flees, and abscesses with a broken jaw from being hit by a smuggler for crying.

 Use this link to read the entire article from PJ Media , and use this link to view pictures from Business Insider.

So while some are calling for President Trump's impeachment and still others for his demise, I say kudos Mr. President! Thank you for caring and doing what you can to protect these children. 

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