
Sunday, July 1, 2018

“Pro-Life” Democrat Sen. Bob Casey Rejects a Pro-Life Supreme Court Nominee to Replace Kennedy

He has just a 20% pro-life voting record for the current session, and he has received political donations from...Planned Parenthood. 

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey claims to be pro-life but his voting record is tilting further and further pro-abortion.

A Democrat from Pennsylvania, Casey signaled his opposition to President Donald Trump’s next nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court this week – even though Trump has not named anyone yet, Townhall reports.
“If an individual from the list provided to candidate Donald Trump by far-right organizations like the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society is nominated, then I am highly unlikely to support that nominee,” Casey wrote on Twitter Wednesday. “This nation deserves a Supreme Court Justice who will be guided by the principle of equal justice under the law for all Americans.”
This means an almost certain no vote from Casey. Earlier this week, Trump promised to choose a nominee from a list of 25 conservative leaders, most of whom already are judges on federal circuit courts and state supreme courts.

Pro-life advocates and other conservatives have praised Trump for the possible Supreme Court nominees on his list. He chose conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch from the list in 2017.

Casey voted against Gorsuch and joined a filibuster against his nomination last year, according to the report.

He has just a 20-percent pro-life voting record for the current session, and he has received political donations from the largest abortion chain in America, Planned Parenthood. Casey also has a 100-percent voting score from NARAL, a radical pro-abortion group that attacks charities that help pregnant and parenting moms and advocates for abortion for any reason up to birth.

The conservative news outlet continued:

While condemning the decisions of the Supreme Court on crucial freedom issues including mandated union dues for American workers, freedom of speech for faith-based, pro-life health clinics and the legality of President Trump’s travel ban, Senator Casey seems to forget that the Supreme Court’s singular job is to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, the law of the land.

This premature stunt by previously-moderate Senator Bob Casey Jr. is not the first, and likely will not be his last, obstructionist move in attempt to block the advancement of any and all items of President Trump’s agenda.

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