
Friday, July 27, 2018

When Abortionists Fight Each Other…

Lawsuit Pits Abortionists Against Abortion Managers

Mark Harrington, President
Created Equal

Last month, news broke that Founder’s Women’s Health Center (FWHC)—Ohio’s first abortion company—was ceasing operations. Soon thereafter, a new facility offering only medical (i.e., nonsurgical) abortions named Your Choice (YC) opened, suggesting FWHC had been moving an element of their services rather than closing entirely. However, a lawsuit filed in Ohio’s Franklin County brings to light a bitter divorce within FWHC leading not only to the creation of YC but also to allegations of breach of contract, breach of duty of care, and more.

The lawsuit pits abortionists Harley Blank and Karl Schaeffer against Terri Hubbard, who until recently managed FWHC’s abortion business. The abortionists allege T&S Management—owned by Hubbard—committed multiple breaches of conduct, such as conspiring not to properly renew licenses associated with the abortionists in order to unjustly claim their name, assets, and operations.

Click here to read the court documents

Bolstering their case, the abortionists assert Hubbard’s company, which recently moved to the new YC location, took assets while moving which were not theirs; published phone numbers belonging to the abortionists on the new Your Choice website; and are currently using trade names, name and likeness, a web site, and more which belong to the abortionists without their permission.

Further, by performing abortions at the new Your Choice facility, the lawsuit asserts Hubbard is violating a covenant not to compete with the business owned by the abortionists.

This lawsuit—pitting killers against those who manage the killing—is a victory for the babies. Lawlessness breeds lawlessness. The public should take note that those who commit systematic injustice often commit other crimes. These cannot forever remain hidden. They will come to light.

Created Equal exists to establish the concept of human equality and expose the lethal injustice of abortion. Our projects include campus outreach, urban outreach, sidewalk counseling, Justice Rides, Operation Overpass, Project Weak Link, and others.

We will continue this work until the day abortion is abolished, but we need your help. Please consider donating to this mission.  Use this link to help Created Equal with their work.  

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