
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Woman Pregnant With Twins Takes Abortion Pill, Pro-Life Doctor Saves Them Before They Die

“Saving lives is the primary goal of all called into the medical field.”

By Katie Franklin
Life News

In the 11 years since Abortion Pill Reversal was launched by pro-life physicians George Delgado and Matt Harrison, abortion advocates have tried their best to discredit the life-saving protocol.

But just last week, the regimen received another validation of its safety and legitimacy following the presentation of Dr. William Lile—a board-certified ob-gyn who serves as the referral physician for three local pregnancy help centers—before a Florida hospital’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).

The remarkable event that brought Lile before the board was his role in helping a woman reverse her abortion, saving not one baby, but two; his patient was pregnant with twins.

Eight weeks pregnant, the woman sought a chemical abortion at an abortion facility, had profound regrets, and sought out help.

A chemical abortion, often referred to as the “abortion pill,” actually involves the use of two pills. The first pill, mifepristone (or RU-486), blocks progesterone, essentially starving the preborn baby of nutrients. The second pill, misoprostol, forces the baby to be expelled from the mother’s womb.

According to Lile, this fatal combination has a 97 percent success rate of killing a preborn baby.

The Abortion Pill Reversal treatment—backed by a network of 350 medical providers and a 24/7 hotline (1-877-558-0333), now operated by Heartbeat International through OptionLine—works by giving women extra progesterone, a natural hormone that is necessary to sustain a healthy pregnancy.

After counseling his patient, Lile prescribed progesterone in the form of a medication called Prometrium.

To the astonishment and gratitude of Lile, it worked.
“We were facing a 97% success rate of pregnancy termination of her twins, but were blessed to have viable twins with normal heart rates one month later,” Lile wrote in an email to pro-life friends. “There are no known negative effects to the developing baby when Prometrium is used.”
Today, the patient’s preborn twins are 12 weeks and thriving.

According to Lile, Prometrium is routinely used to prevent pregnancy loss when miscarriage is threatened or even to prevent preterm labor. Indeed, progesterone has the longstanding approval of the FDA as a safe medical intervention to fight miscarriages.

But following Lile’s successful use of the protocol, an anonymous complaint came before the board, launching an internal review of the event.
“I went to the meeting with science, supporting articles, and your prayers, and defended my use of Prometrium,” wrote Lile.
In the end, science—and life—won out.

In this instance, the Institutional Review Board deemed the use of Prometrium after attempted chemical abortion with RU-486 to be reasonable.

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