
Friday, August 10, 2018

Amazing Ultrasound Photo Shows Twin Baby Girls Sharing a Kiss

By Dave Andrusko
Life News

John Hamburg of Fetal Vision Imaging in Levittown, Pennsylvania, told David Moye of the Huffington Post that from the beginning, he knew there was something special about the ultrasound he took of Carissa Gill’s 25-week-old unborn baby.

Which prompted this comment which appeared under the photo’s caption, posted on the company’s Instagram account:
‘Congratulations Carissa and [boyfriend] Randy with your kissing twins! Thank you for coming to Fetal Vision, we hope you enjoyed your experience with us! #FetalVision #KissingTwins #HDUltrasound.
Sure enough, the twin girls, whom the couple has already named Isabella and Callie, appear to be sharing evidence of a special bond.
“Isabella giving her sissy Callie a kiss on the cheek,’ Carissa Gill wrote in the caption of one of the ultrasound photos. “In another photo, Carissa wrote, ‘It was hard not to be so thankful during this moment. I am legit so blessed and can’t wait to meet our two precious princesses,’” the Daily Mail reported.
Gill told, “It was just so exciting to see them like that,” adding, “I didn’t think that they were going to be that close together, but they are, and it was just so beautiful to see.”
“I would love to share this story with the world,” Carissa told Fox 29. “Pregnancy is a beautiful thing to capture, especially when you get to see moments like this.”
Of course, ultrasound photos appearing on Facebook have been faked. Not this time, Hamburg told Moye.
“I’ve done 15,000 of these, and I’ve never seen twins face-to-face, looking like they’re kissing. Usually, one’s head is up and the other is down.”
This one is completely legit, Hamburg insisted. “It’s my livelihood,” he said firmly.

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