
Sunday, August 5, 2018

‘Come and See What We Do’: Women of Color Operating Pregnancy Centers Respond to Deceptive Essence Article

By Kelli
Live Action News

Early in July 2018, dedicated pregnancy resource center employees and volunteers were shocked to see that Essence magazine, a publication whose primary audience is people of color, had published a one-sided, deceptive “hit piece” against pro-life pregnancy resource centers, located in communities across the country. 

The Essence writer claimed pregnancy centers were dangerous for women of color, and among other things, only “appear” to be medical facilities and move into minority neighborhoods to “target” these women. But according to women of color who actually operate these pregnancy resource centers, the claims in the Essence article are false.

Pregnancy centers are not “fake clinics,” and they don’t “target” women

DeAundria Jones, RN, a Nurse Manager at East End Pregnancy Center, told Live Action News in response to the article, “NIFLA has nearly 1,500 members of which nearly 1,200 are medical facilities. These facilities are staffed by doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, all of whom are required to maintain an active license to practice. 

These medical centers provide—at no cost—a confirmation of pregnancy and resources beneficial to the women of the communities they serve. To say the clinics are ‘fake’ is simply false.” She added that pregnancy resource centers “have received overwhelmingly positive feedback” from the women they serve.

abortion, pregnancy centers, pregnant
“I am a black woman with a history of being abortion-minded,” Jones noted. “I never even knew of a pregnancy resource center until recently. Had I known that there was someone I could talk to about how I was feeling and my concerns, doubts, and fears, I’m certain the outcome of my decision would have been different.”
As for the claim that these centers “target” certain women, she said, 
“Communities are not targeted. The women who come… are of many different races and nationalities. They are welcomed, shown love, and receive support… whether they decide to choose life for their unborn child or not.”
Pregnancy center client feedback is “exceptionally positive”

Nydia Figueredo, Senior Director of Operations are Care Net in Virginia, told Live Action News in response, “What we really do is meet women where they are, providing a confidential and nonjudgmental place for them to come where they can talk to someone they can trust. We are truthful with everyone and are always clear that we do not do or refer for abortions…. In addition, we do not show any graphic videos or materials or ever force anyone to stay if they choose to leave. And the feedback on our client exit surveys is exceptionally positive.”

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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