
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Designs by Birgit – One Woman’s Way to Spread the Pro-Life Message

Have you ever wondered where those pro-life memes come from? Who creates them? I know I have, and over the years I have shared many on our pro-life social media pages and in our pro-life groups. Recently I had the honor to  correspond with a woman who creates so many of these wonderful memes.  She graciously agreed to allow me to share her story.

Birgit Atherton Jones resides in Western Kentucky with her husband. Birgit was in high school when Roe v Wade was being discussed and unfortunately became law. She tells me that one of her senior debate topics was on abortion, and doing her research, she took the pro-life side. She also has a personal story and says that being pro-life is not just a theory – when life happens, it needs to be lived out. You can read her story, 
14 and Pregnant – Is My Life Ruined? using this link.   This was the beginning of her 40+ years of pro-life advocacy. 

After college, Birgit began writing letters to the editor on the pro-life issue. This she states, resulted in a job offer. She was asked to consider being the first executive director of her local Right to Life group.

After some debate and much consideration (she had a husband, a dying mother and three children at home depending on her), she agreed. This opportunity took her to serving as Field Representative for a pro-life US Congressman. Birgit wore many hats, again taking on the responsibility of executive director, editor of a newspaper, and founding member as well as vice-president of another pro-life group. “You can see that God works in mysterious ways and turns tragedy into triumph”, says Birgit, “He certainly has worked His grace in my life!”

I asked Birgit what motivated her to start creating pro-life memes, she said, “as an art major, I have a BA in art, and wanted to do something creative but up-to-date. Since I take many photos, I first used my own photographs of family to create my memes. Sometimes a generous friend or social media acquaintance will offer photos of their own children.” She now utilizes public use photos as well. She further stated, “allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me, I often get an overwhelming urge to create - right now Memes and writing are my outlets.”

“Since I try to make it a point to use a softer approach, I hope to change hearts and educate” Birgit replied when asked what she hopes to accomplish by her memes. “My friendship with several post-abortive women helps me to understand that kindness and understanding, as well as factual sources information, is where I am most comfortable” she further states. 

Birgit mentioned that some of her memes were translated into Portuguese for use in Brazil by the sister group  Save the 1. She also initiated, and was approved by her diocese, to make displays with poster sized versions of her memes for 40 Days for Life. This initiative then spread to other dioceses in other states.

When asked if there were any message she would like to tell the public, Birgit stated, “The way I look at it is this: The more we share and communicate the pro-life message, the more changes there are for true conversion to the cause.” She went to on to state, “by factual education and appealing images and words, we can change hearts. Our opposition is often ill-informed or bears scars from past pain.” Birgit then says, ‘If we approach with love and truth, they may just begin to see their error. It is not just up to some of us to work at this. We need to convince the world to share in evangelizing for LIFE. Attractive memes, that are virally shared, can be a wonderful tool in accomplishing this objective. The more eyes, the more prospects we have.” 

Birgit recently published an article (you can read this article here), offering her pro-life memes to anyone who wishes to use them.   She asks that the proper attribution is made when sharing.  She says that it multiplies exposure of the message if others also share directly from her links. 

Birgit’s memes can be found on Facebook using this link (she has over 600 pro-life memes on this page), on Pinterest by clicking here,  and on Twitter using this link.  Click here to connect with Birgit on Instragram,  and here to connect on Linkedin. You can also find her on Google by clicking here.   Additionally, her website can be accessed here

Below are samples of some of Birgit's memes.  


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