
Friday, August 17, 2018

Franklin Graham: Chelsea Clinton Defending Abortion as an Economic Good is Like Hitler Defending Killing Jews

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Christian evangelist Franklin Graham is speaking out against comments Chelsea Clinton made defending abortion as somehow good for the economy. Graham didn’t mince words in his reply and said that her defense of abortion is similar to Hitler defending killing the Jews for economic reasons.

All week, Clinton has been facing criticism for linking legalized abortion on demand to $3.5 trillion in economic growth. Prompting the criticism were remarks Clinton made during a “Rise Up for Roe” rally protesting U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday in New York City.

Clinton claimed the infamous 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade was a good thing, not only because it gave women the “dignity to make our own choices,” but also because it led to a $3.5 trillion boost to America’s economy.
“It is not a disconnected fact … that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. Right?” Clinton said.
Her comment about the financial benefit of 60 million unborn babies’ abortion deaths prompted a quick response from pro-life advocates online and the conservative news media and also from Graham.
“Chelsea Clinton claims that legalizing abortion added trillions of dollars to the economy. What a lie. Hitler probably also claimed that killing the Jews would be good for their economy,” Graham said.

Legalizing abortion hasn’t added anything to our country, it has only taken away & cost this nation more than 60 million lives—lives precious to God. Think of the contribution they would’ve made. I believe God will judge America for allowing the murder of unborn children. 2/3
To everyone who has had an abortion, it is murder in God’s eyes. But I’m happy to tell you that God will forgive you, take away the shame & guilt you’ve carried all these years, and save you for eternity if you turn to Him and put your faith and trust in His Son Jesus Christ. 3/3

Despite the criticism, Clinton defended herself with more bizarre arguments Tuesday on Twitter. Among Clinton’s most bizarre responses was a claim that being “pro-choice is pro-life.”

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