
Sunday, August 12, 2018

Holocaust - Old and New

by Judith Alciatore

I am being led by God to learn more about the Holocaust...Not just the historical facts, but to take a deeper look at the human beings who were affected by the horrors of Nazism...WW2 brought out the very worst and the very best in people...Those who courageously took in Jewish children, those who risked their own lives to hide and protect the Jews of that time, all need to be lauded for true heroism and love...

The American soldiers who liberated the concentration and death camps...The pictures taken by the soldiers and photographers with Eisenhower...He knew the atrocities were so mind-boggling and hard to believe, that there would be some who would claim that it was all a hoax, propoganda...

Exactly why the Holy Spirit has touched my mind and heart to do this is uncertain, except for the obvious reason, to share the truth...Perhaps we need to be reminded that this all happened in recent times...Many of us were born during or shortly after WW2...

The words "never again" are ironic, since hatred and genocidal mania still hold many in their grip...Today's Holocaust is not happening in death camps, but in the womb...And it is even more insidious than the one that took place in the 20th century, for these victims, the unborn and newborn, truly have no means of defending themselves...No one hears their little screams, no one sees their attempts to get away from the instruments of torture and death...And, like the world in general during the early years of Hitler's domination and the war, too many now are doing nothing, saying nothing, to even try to stop this new atrocity, this new Holocaust...

Will we, like so many who lived in Germany then, also claim that we "knew nothing", "saw nothing", "heard nothing"?

Will we continue to turn a blind eye, a deaf ear, an uncaring heart to this heinous barbarity?

Will we continue to stand by and pretend that nothing is happening?

If so, how will we answer to God when we face our own day of destiny?

How will you answer?...Do you know?

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