
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Invite a Speaker from Our Team

Created Equal's Cutting-Edge Speaking Team

Mark Harrington, President
Created Equal

You know Created Equal for its Justice Rides and internships geared toward activing a generation of student preborn defenders. But did you know our team equips not only student groups but also churches, Bible studies, and other groups for people of all ages? Check out our all-new "Invite a Speaker" page to see how we can help you!

Our experience on the frontlines puts us in a unique position to prepare individuals to make a case for truth which resonates with our culture. Here are just a few samples of the topics on which we speak:
  • Who is My Neighbor? – Because loving God and loving our neighbor is the sum of the commandments, the Good Samaritan parable has application to our contemporary beating victim: the preborn.
  • Lessons Learned From Historical Social Reform – Certain immutable principles of social reform must be employed in order to abolish abortion. Learn about them from Created Equal founder Mark Harrington, who's spent more than two decades in the movement.
  • Preborn Defenders 101 – Amidst the tumult of the abortion debate, only two questions matter: What is the preborn? Are we all Created Equal? Learn how to persuasively make the basic arguments against abortion.
  • Freedom from Equality: The Bodily Autonomy Objection – "My body, my choice." You've heard it before, probably a lot. But like all bumper sticker pro-abortion slogans, it doesn't withstand philosophical scrutiny. Learn why.

Check out our "Invite a Speaker" page to see more topics and get details on how we can help you equip your group!

Created Equal exists to establish the concept of human equality and expose the lethal injustice of abortion. Our projects include campus outreach, urban outreach, sidewalk counseling, Justice Rides, Operation Overpass, Project Weak Link, and others.

We will continue this work until the day abortion is abolished, but we need your help. Please consider donating to this mission.  Use this link to help Created Equal with their work.  

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