
Friday, August 24, 2018

Irish Catholic Organization Takes Stand, Refuses To Host Pro-Abortion Politicians

by Limbi Banda

Human Defense Initiative

Last month, the American branch of the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), an Irish Catholic organization, chose to “not invite” Irish politicians to their annual convention who voted to repeal Ireland’s life-affirming 8th Amendment.

Prior to the repeal of the 8th Amendment, Ireland was one of the most pro-life countries in the world. In the wake of growing Irish distrust in the influence of a Church whose reputation has been tarnished and sullied by moral and political crisis, and the impending legalization of abortion, the US branch of the AOH has taken a stand. AOH refuses to host the leader of Sinn Fein, Mary Lou McDonald, who supported the repeal.

Ms. McDonald was subject to some protest in June, following the May referendum when the pro-life group Precious Life protested her party’s position on abortion.

The US branch of the AOH has invited Ms. McDonald to speak at prior conventions but Sinn Fein’s pro-abortion message is not in line with the AOH’s pro-life principles. The US branch of the AOH clearly set forth those principles in a resolution affirming the dignity of the preborn and the value of all human life.

Other pro-life groups have commended the American branch of the Ancient Order of Hibernians for taking a stand against the Irish government’s radical pro-abortion agenda.

Source:  Human Defense Initiative 

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