
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Nashville Facility Now Champions Life, Not Death

By Charlie Butts
One News Now

An abortion facility in Nashville, Tennessee, now stands for life.The abortion clinic, The Women's Center, was formerly an unlicensed abortion clinic, and for several years, the state's attempts to close it down failed.

However, a court ruling a decade and a half ago allowed the facility to remain open minus the license.

The abortion clinic was owned by 70-year-old Gary Clayton Boyle, and according to Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue, he is the same abortionist who was once jailed for pointing a gun at pro-life sidewalk counselors.

Operation Rescue was able to obtain records of a call for emergency help at the abortuary.

“There was a patient at his clinic in Nashville who stopped breathing right in the middle of an abortion procedure, and the 911 call showed a little bit of desperation and panic amongst the clinic workers, who were desperately trying to help this woman,” Sullenger explained.
There is no further information on the patient as to whether she lived or died.

In the meantime, Boyle – who was also a traveling abortionist – has shuttered the clinic, and Operation Rescue believes that this will save the lives of babies and their mothers.

“We understand that it's going to be replaced in that building by a medical office that is life-affirming, and there will not be abortions done in that building again,” Sullenger informed. “We're really grateful for that.”
Evidently, the 70-year-old Boyle has decided to retire, and Operation Rescue hopes that this is an indication of the end of his role in the abortion business.

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