
Thursday, August 2, 2018

Neumann University to Host Pro-abortion Pennsylvania State Representative Leanne Krueger-Braneky

from Ted Meehan

Pro-Life Delco

Neumann University is a local Catholic institution, and we should assume that the Administration is conscientious of its mission to provide Catholic education. But, somehow, likely by error, an extremist abortion zealot named Rep. Leanne Kruger-Braneky, has been invited to this Catholic institution to promote her assault on the Culture of Life.

 Please contact the office of the President of Neumann University to advise them of this mistake, and ask them to immediately rescind the invitation to this advocate for baby killing. Their contact info is below. 

Points you may wish to include...

  • Leanne Kreuger-Braneky is an abortion zealot, with a 100% rating by Planned Parenthood, and NARAL
  • The Catholic world view of the Culture of Life is radically contradicted by a Catholic institution hosting an anti-Life advocate. It confuses the University community, the students, and supporters of the University. 
  • Planned Parenthood does not rent out rooms to Catholic Pro-Lifers to advocate against abortion. 
  • You would not host a Nazi, or Ku Klux Klan advocate. So why host one who advocates killing babies? 
  • End the controversy by disinviting Kreuger-Braneky. 

Board Liaison and
Assistant to the President
Trisha Klusman

Executive Assistant to the President
Connie Gallagher

Please ask them to respond back, and leave your own number.

Update from Ted 

My initial conversations with the President's office at Neumann found that the University was unaware of Kreuger-Braneky's extremism on abortion, and that they had simply rented a room to her. I did not get the sense that they intended to take action to correct the mistake. However, I did ask to be notified as to what action they intended to take, and they agreed to do that.

I would ask that phone calls continue to be made, and more emails be sent. If nothing else, these will be a signal to Neumann that there is a groundswell of opposition to Catholic Universities caving to pro-abortion politicians.

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