
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Planned Parenthood Sterilized One-Third of Puerto Rican Women in Grisly Population Control Experiment

By Katie Franklin
Life News

The pro-abortion media may have finally reached the bottom of the barrel in its pathetic decade-long push to tarnish the reputation of Abortion Pill Reversal (APR).

On Saturday, Truthout ran a commentary by author Shireen Rose Shakouri, comparing the life-saving APR protocol to racist medical experiments conducted on minority men and women throughout American history.

Without a shred of evidence to support the outrageous allegation against APR, the author says, the “ongoing experiment with women’s health and bodies is likely being pushed disproportionately on women of color.”

To make her point, Shakouri briefly—and I mean, briefly—explores one experiment in the 1960s which tested the birth control pill on poor, uneducated women in Puerto Rico, leading to the deaths of at least three women during the trials.

Her exploration of this profound human rights abuse was indeed so brief that she left out one major detail: Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger facilitated it.

Yes, along with the millions of human rights abuses that it perpetuates to this day in the form of abortion, Planned Parenthood was behind an experiment that tested variations of the birth control pill on Latina women, resulting in the sterilization of hundreds of Puerto Ricans.
But the broader history is even worse than that. In collaboration with the Puerto Rican government and with funding from the U.S. government, the International Planned Parenthood Federation also ran a massive sterilization program that led to the sterilization of roughly one third of Puerto Rican women by 1968.
Unsurprisingly, none of this made it into Truthout’s broadside against Abortion Pill Reversal. But what the author has done is obvious.

Similar to a recent attack by Essence magazine, the commentary ignores the abortion industry’s historic victimization of women and children of color and pins racial motivations and the unethical practice of medicine back on the very people trying to save their lives.

It leaves one to wonder why Truthout opposes saving babies of color from abortion.

To date, Abortion Pill Reversal has saved over 500 babies—brown babies, white babies, black babies, babies of every hue—from the horror of abortion.

Life News continues here

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