
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Please Join Us in Celebrating the Opening of Our Latest Gianna Affiliate: Gianna Philadelphia

from Dr. Max Mercado, President
Gianna Center of Philadelphia

We are pleased to share with you the exciting news that Archbishop Charles Chaput has recently given us his blessing to move ahead with the establishment of the Gianna Center of Philadelphia. Laus Deo!

A pro-life, NaProTechnology trained OB/GYN physician and Nurse Practitioner have signed an agreement with National Gianna in New York to establish our long-awaited Center. The IRS 501 (c) (3) Recognition letter for the Gianna Center of Philadelphia was issued upon initial review and without any questions. According to the IRS, this happens in less than 10% of all cases!

Since one of the purposes of this letter is to secure the assistance and support of individuals in Philadelphia who share our mission it will be helpful to explain what impelled us to establish the Gianna Center of Philadelphia.

In Evangelium Vitae, Pope John Paul II called for the transformation of our culture through the formation of consciences. Essential to this renewal, St. John Paul writes, are the education of the young to experience sexuality and love according to God’s purpose for them, the education of married couples in responsible procreation, and the transformation of the health care field to reject technologies which destroy life. Indeed, he calls everyone to a renewed consciousness of the inviolable worth and dignity of every human life. We formed the Gianna Center of Philadelphia to respond to John Paul II’s noble summons, which is as urgent today as when he first made it.

Like our flagship, the National Gianna Center for Women’s Health and Fertility in New York City (which was founded in 2008), we have been formed to be a “new sign of hope” by providing practical ways for women and families to put the teachings of Evangelium Vitae into practice. The mission of the National Gianna Center and its affiliates is to advance the culture of life by providing pro-life, authentically Catholic family health care for women and families. And we accomplish our mission by:
  • Supporting, educating and encouraging young people to remain chaste before marriage
  • Providing access to education in effective methods of natural family planning for married couples
  • Offering effective pro-life medical alternatives to abortifacient birth control and such embryo destructive infertility treatments as in vitro fertilization
  • Providing early pregnancy ultrasounds and prenatal care to women experiencing “crisis” pregnancies
  • Educating the culture about pro-life, pro-women, authentically Catholic approach to women’s reproductive health care and Catholic medical ethics
Named in honor of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-62), the Milanese pediatrician whom Pope John Paul II canonized for her heroic pro-life witness and affirmation of the culture of life, all affiliates of the Gianna Center are dedicated to identifying the true causes of infertility and giving women and families natural and ethical alternatives for the management of their health and fertility care.

Our flagship is located in New York City and the National Gianna Center has Gianna affiliates in New Brunswick; Clinton, New Jersey; Babylon, Long Island, New York; Albany, New York; Syracuse, New York; Shawnee, Kansas; Dover, Delaware, and now in Philadelphia, all of which are impressive proof that there is great faithful enterprise in the grassroots.

With the support of Archbishop Chaput in Philadelphia, Cardinal Timothy Dolan in New York, Bishop Edward Scharfenberger in Albany, and Bishop James Checchio in Metuchen, New Jersey, we continue to build a unified national network of women’s health care centers to provide women and families with a comprehensive, pro-life alternative to the abortion industry. Our Gianna Center of Philadelphia will be a vital part of this national network.

We, like all of our fellow Gianna affiliates, believe that the creation of such a network has the potential to ensure the awakening of conscience called for by Pope John Paul II by providing healthcare for women and families that respects the sanctity of each human life, reaffirms the dignity of women and honors the integrity of marriage.

If you wish to join us in the establishment of our Gianna Center of Philadelphia, require more information, or are interested in making a tax-deductible charitable donation to the Gianna Center of Philadelphia 501 (c) 3 non-profit, contact us at Gianna Center of Philadelphia, P.O. Box 354, Jenkintown, PA 19046 or contact Barbara Rose at (215) 850-9740 .

"There will be... no renewal of the Catholic Church without renewal of the Catholic family, and no renewal of the Catholic family without a bold proclamation of the sacred truths regarding the transmission of human life.”-- Archbishop Chaput, Archdiocese of Philadelphia

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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