
Thursday, August 2, 2018

Pro-Life Waco Outreach Alert

from John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

1. JP will talk about Facebook group and Wacoan protest on Friday talk show

John Pisciotta will be the guest on Jim Sedlak's syndicated radio program thisFriday, August 3, from 11 AM to noon, Central Time. Jim Sedlak is the Executive Director of American Life League. The name of the program on the Radio Maria network is Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death. The program is one hour with a few minutes at the beginning on current news. Then, I will come on to discuss 2 of my current passions. One will be Hometown Pro-Life Action, which in July became the largest pro-life group on Facebook. The second topic will be how to challenge the enablers or supporters of Planned Parenthood in your hometown. I will use our current campaign to challenge theWacoan Magazine for carrying ads promoting the Planned Parenthood Waco abortion business. This is a live call-in show. The number is 866 – 333 – 6279. There are a variety of ways to listen to the program live on your computer or cell phone. You can find out all about ways at I suggest you figure out how you're going to listen to the program prior to airing. I would appreciate calls to the program.


I've been a guest on Jim's pro-life activism show on several occasions. Whether in person or electronically it's always great to be with Jim Sedlak, one of the Titans of the pro-life movement. Jim Sedlak has been an inspiration for Pro-Life Waco for over two decades.

2. Life Chain coming Sunday August 5

The temperature may be close to 100 on Sunday, August 5. When we have 30 or more dedicated defenders of the precious innocents in the heat, our public witness will from 2-3 p.m. will be so strong. Of course, we hold Life Chain in the grassy area at the corner of Valley Mills Drive and Waco Drive near Pei Wei Restaurant. Our neighbors will see from our public witness that the defense of life in Central Texas is unwavering. Look for the pro-life billboard and your life defender friends will be nearby.

3. Abortion healing retreat August 24-26

And, also featured fun, fellowship, and fine food from Panera Bread.
There will be an interdenominational abortion healing retreat August 24 (6 pm) through August 26 (noon) in Belton at Summers Mill retreat Center.. This will be a Rachel's Vineyard retreat. There are just 2 of 10 spots in the retreat remaining.For anyone struggling from an abortion, I strongly urge you to take advantage of this opportunity. Of course, this can be a mom. But it also includes friends and relatives who have been involved in an abortion. God forgives a repentant heart. But still there must be healing. Here are 3 telephone numbers of retreat leaders in Bell County (Temple area). There is no cost and you will be informed of the location when you register. A lead sponsor of this retreat is Hope Pregnancy Center of Copperas Cove/Killeen/Temple. Reserve your spot by calling:
  • 254 – 773 – 2453
  • 254 – 519 – 3343
  • or 254 – 518 – HOPE
If you have any thought of attending, I encourage you to call now.

4. I-35 Overpass outreach last Saturday was STRONG

An also featured fun, fellowship, and fine food from Panera Bread.

Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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