
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

While LeBron James and Don Lemon dis POTUS Trump, They Ignore the BIGGEST Killer of Black People

from National Sentinel

Cognitive Dissonance: In recent days NBA star LeBron James appeared on host Don Lemon’s little-watched CNN program to complain about how POTUS Donald Trump is “dividing” America and fostering racism.

Prominent black figures making such baseless claims about the president is nothing new.

During the interview, however, James and Lemon also discussed the former’s opening of a new school in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, for “at risk” black youths. It’s good that James is giving back to his community. Charity, for the most part, is admirable.

But if he’s really concerned about protecting blacks who are ‘at risk,’ he should focus more on combatting the No. 1 killer of blacks by far: Abortion.

Article continues here

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