
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

40 Days for Life - Northeast Philadelphia

The following article was reported on LifeSiteNews on June 21, 2018:

“Planned Parenthood has announced it intends to spend heavily to ensure that pro-abortion Democrat Tom Wolf remains the Governor of Pennsylvania.

“With nearly 75% of the Pennsylvania legislature opposed to safe and legal abortion, Governor Tom Wolf is critical to Planned Parenthood’s survival,” Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates & PAC declares in its solicitation for online donations. The group plans to spend $1.5 million toward his reelection this fall, the Tribune-Review reports.”

You may not have $1.5 million to fight against the actions of Planned Parenthood, but you do have one hour. Just one hour during a 40-day vigil period is all that we are asking to keep the pro-life message alive and possibly save a child from abortion.

The 40 Days for Life Fall 2018 campaign begins on September 26th and ends on November 4th. Please consider taking an hour to stand outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic at Roosevelt Boulevard & Comly Road to peacefully pray for and support the children whose lives may be ended that day and for their mothers and fathers who are struggling with the decision to save a life or to end a life.

This is NOT a protest. It is a faith-filled campaign that hopes to promote the sanctity of life through prayer and fasting. Please visit the 40Days for Life Northeast Philadelphia website for vigil details or contact Anita Flynn at:

We may not be able to stop Planned Parenthood’s requests for donations to Governor Wolf’s campaign but we can show up at Planned Parenthood’s doorstep to prove that our prayerful voice is still strong in support of children who have no voice.

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