
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Awful: Organization Trains Health Workers to Push Women Toward Abortion

By Carole Novielli
Live Action News

It is becoming clear from research Live Action News is uncovering that the abortion industry is running scared of real options for pregnant women. Abortion enthusiasts are increasingly working to steer pregnant women away from pro-life pregnancy care centers that offer women a multitude of real alternatives to abortion. 

Instead, these well-funded groups believe the only choice women need to kill their children for money exists inside an American abortion facility. One of these groups, Provide, Inc., trains health workers and women’s organizations to refer pregnant women to abortion facilities rather than pro-life pregnancy centers (and, by the way, is free to advertise on Twitter, while Live Action is being censored).

READ: EXPOSED: Abortion groups plan to ‘increase supply and demand’ for abortion

Provide, Inc. promoted the Tweet below in May, to promote its 2017 evaluation report. The pro-abortion organization, founded in 1992, seeks “to make sure that women have access to abortion.”
Provide Access promoted Tweet (Image credit: Twitter)

In this promoted tweet, the organization says it trained 1,833 providers and reached 269 sites. The 2017 Evaluation Report, emphasizes the fact that this “training” emphasizes pushing women towards abortion facilities and deliberately away from pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs).

On its website, Provide claims the organization, “offers CEU-eligible professional development training and technical assistance for health and social service providers on how to give accurate, informed, and non-judgmental referrals for unintended pregnancy and abortion care.”
Image: Provide Inc trains abortion referrals
Provide Inc trains abortion referrals

Some “training” topics offered by the organization include making sure abortion is “place[d]… in the context of necessary reproductive health care,” “address[ing] common myths about abortion, “increas[ing] comfort with local abortion… service providers,” and “refer[ring] patients/clients to local abortion… providers.”

Another goal? To “[i]ncrease knowledge about, and opposition to, centers that misinform or manipulate women with unintended pregnancy.”

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