
Monday, September 10, 2018

Come Pray Outside of Two Abortion Facilites in Philadelphia

In 1776 55 men gathered at Independence Hall and granted Colonial America inalienable rights. The first one of those rights is life.

Fast forward nearly two and a half centuries later the right to life is taken away by abortion because it is defined as a "right" by those who support the killing of innocent babies up until birth. Unfortunately in Philadelphia nearly 13,000 babies are killed every year in two of the biggest abortion facilities in the city, located a half a mile from each other. Sadly they contribute the majority of the killings in the City of Brotherly Love.

A Tale of Two Abortion Facilities

ProLifers praying outside of Center City Planned Parenthood on Good Friday 2018

The first of two biggest is Planned Parenthood located in the gayborhood section of Philadelphia (1144 Locust Street). Though their numbers went down there are still nearly 4500 (a majority of them black) babies killed by Lee Anthony Tripp and Joel Lebed.

The irony is the facility is named after Elizabeth Blackwell, who was the first woman doctor of the United States. She has campaigned against birth control. There is a regular vigil scheduled there every Wednesday and 3rd Saturday of the month and every day during the Sidewalk Servant Campaign from 8AM-5PM.  Governor Wolf has made a visit there from time to time, hence he was an escort while attending school at MIT.

Thanks to the efforts of Pat Stanton and Dr. Monique Ruberu they introduced 40 Days to this site. The campaign, now there for the 9th time, will start on September 26th from 8AM-5PM with the regular hours. All are encouraged to attend a candlelight vigil later that evening at 630PM. Candles will be provided. Vigil hours are Monday thru Saturday from 8AM-5PM. The facility is closed on Sunday.

Philadelphia Women's Center in Chinatown

The second facility is the Philadelphia Women's Center (777 Appletree Street). It first opened in 1972 in the Rittenhouse Square section of Philadelphia. It moved to the Chinatown section more than a decade ago. This fall will be 4th time 40 Days is present at the largest non-Planned Parenthood affiliate in the Keystone State. The hours are 8AM 5PM from Tuesday to Saturday. The abortions happen on the 7th floor of the 8 story building pictured here. What makes it ironic is a daycare sits on the 2nd floor of the same building where abortions are committed.

About ten pro-lifers, mostly men, come out weekly on a Saturday morning to pray in front of Jericho, where 6,000+ babies are killed yearly. Pro-lifers will have to overcome verbal taunts from a security guard named "Heather", and Lynne Molter, a professor of engineering at Swathmore University, who intimidates pro-lifers with a video camera while wearing a menacing frown. Abortion is the only thing done here. They are closed on Sundays and Mondays.

Your loving presence in our great city is needed. Consider taking an hour or two. Visit

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