
Saturday, September 29, 2018

English Seminarian Helps Save Baby at 40 Days for Life Vigil, Then Gets to Meet Her

“Please pray for me, that I may be a holy and courageous priest.”

By Dorothy Cummings McLean
Life Site News

An English Catholic seminarian helped to save a baby at a 40 Days for Life vigil and then got to meet her.
Deacon David Donaghue, in his final year of studies, told LifeSiteNews via email that seminarians from Oscott College regularly take part in 40 Days for Life outside the Marie Stopes Clinic in Birmingham.
“We offer leaflets to men and women who enter the clinic,” he explained. “We fully respect those who decline, but many women and men do wish to talk.”
At last October’s 40 Days for Life, Donaghue approached a man outside Marie Stopes and began a conversation.
“His wife was inside the clinic organising an abortion,” the seminarian recalled. “It turned out that they were poor and with other children in the house, they [felt they] had no choice. I was able to affirm him in his fatherhood and offer help. This is where others come in.”
Donaghue stated that it was thanks to the “commitment and generosity” of donors to an English pregnancy support group that the couple got the help they needed.
“Because of the commitment and generosity of donors to the Good Counsel Network, they were able to offer financial and emotional support,” he said. “We are not just pro-birth, but pro-life.”
Donaghue said the “real work” was done by the local 40 Days for Life campaign coordinator, “who is an amazing person.”
“She rallied round the family and got donations of household items for them,” he explained. “Eventually they kept their baby and are very happy they did.”
But the relationship did not end there.
“The campaign coordinator is still in touch with them and is currently helping them to get the children school uniforms,” Donaghue said. “The family are doing well.”
“I had the privilege of visiting them recently and meeting the baby who was saved from abortion and they were pleased to see me,” he continued. “I hope to stay in touch, and I pray that she will be all that God wants her to be.”
“Her life is precious.”
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