
Monday, September 24, 2018

European Court Censors Pro-Life Advocate Because He Called Abortion a “Holocaust”

By Christina Vazquez
Life News

It appears that some courts in Europe would rather censor individuals’ freedom of expression than allow them to speak the truth about abortion.

In a ruling last Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights decided that governments can forbid individuals from describing abortion as a “holocaust” and “aggravated murder,” the AP reports.

MTL News reports the ruling came in a case brought by the German government against pro-life activist Klaus Guenter Annen.

Annen had “used his website to complaint (sic) abortion providers in his neighborhood committed ‘aggravated murder’ each time they performed a procedure – and compared the procedures the doctors performed to the Holocaust.”

He distributed leaflets in his neighborhood that stated: “Near you: unlawful abortions” and “Are you silent about the aggravated murder of our children?”, according to the report. The injunctions came after abortionists in Germany demanded Annen’s speech be restricted.

The panel of ECHR judges determined that the statements “might also have incited hatred and aggression,” the report states. In ruling against Annen, the court admitted it was censorship, but the judges endorsed it as “necessary in a democratic society.”

The European Court of Human Rights decides issues that come from European Union countries.

Abortions are legal for any reason up to 12 weeks of pregnancy in Germany and later in certain circumstances. Roughly 101,000 unborn children were killed through abortion last year in Germany.

The fact that the government chose to suppress Annen’s words sharing this horrific fact is beyond appalling. In a democratic society, children should have the opportunity to be born. Silencing those who defend the most defenseless humans speaks volumes about a society.

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