
Saturday, September 15, 2018

I'm going to pray in front of an abortion facility. Now what?

I know what you are thinking. Some of us accepted an invitation from our pastor, priest, or even club leader to go pray in front of an abortion facility.

Some common questions are: What do I need to bring? What to expect? How can I prepare?

Winston Churchill once said, "Give us the tools and we will finish the job." There are tools that you will need for when you are in front of the abortion facilities.

Thankfully, The Pro Life Union of Greater Philadelphia has the resources and guidelines on effective sidewalk counseling. A series of nine videos were made on the steps you can take when you pray in front of Planned Parenthood or any abortion facility in your community.

Philadelphia Catholic Mamas outside of Center City Planned Parenthood

Since the inception of Sidewalk Servant Program by Dr. Monique Ruberu, which takes place in between the 40 Days Campaigns, it has been effective in lowering the numbers of abortions in Philadelphia and its surrounding counties.

The premise of the videos are how to be a peaceful, loving, prayerful self when saving the lives of the unborn.

You can view the entire playlist ( 9 different videos) here:

Watch and share these informative videos. Be sure to learn firsthand how you can bring love and mercy to those who walk into the gates of hell.

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