
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Planned Parenthood PAC Pours Money Into Gov. Wolf's Re-Election Campaign

Governor Tom Wolf has been a clinic escort for 
Planned Parenthood.  Governor Tom Wolf / Flickr  

By Lucy Perkins
Pittsburgh NPR Radio

The political arm of Planned Parenthood plans to pour $2.5 million into Governor Tom Wolf’s re-election campaign. According to the Planned Parenthood PAC, that's the largest-ever investment the organization has spent in any state on a midterm race.

“We need to turn our legislature into a body that supports reproductive rights and health,” said Sari Stevens, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates. She said Gov. Wolf is the backstop to protect reproductive healthcare in the state for another four years.
Republicans currently control both houses of the state legislature, and Wolf's Republican rival, former state Senator Scott Wagner, has said he would sign anti-abortion legislation if elected. 

Republicans also hold sway in Washington, D.C. Stevens pointed to the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade. She cited as another threat the Trump administration’s proposal to cut Title X funding for clinics that provide or refer clinics to places that provide abortions. No federal money is spent directly on abortions.

Stevens says a portion of the $2.5 million will go into door-knocking in the state legislative districts where Planned Parenthood-backed candidates are running.

“We’re hoping to win one or two, potentially three [state] Senate districts where we’ll have a pro-choice member replace an anti-choice member,” Stevens said.
 “And somewhere in the ballpark of about 10 House districts. That’s not going to get us to a pro-choice majority, but it’s a very good start.”
Website: WESA.FM

Blogger's Comment:  

Please note that the PA governor's race is considered the most crucial for Planned Parenthood and all groups who support abortion. That's why they are pouring $2.5 million to ensure Tom Wolf's reelection. As a former PP escort, he is their 'insurance policy' to keep PA solidly pro-abortion. 

Be sure to vote and get involved by encouraging all who value God's gift of life to vote on Tuesday, November 6th. We have to elect candidates who will not be moved on the issue of the 'right to life' for both the born and unborn. 

We must all pray that this scourge of abortion will be defeated this November. 

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds." II Corinthians 10:4

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