
Monday, September 3, 2018

Puerto Rico House Approves Bill Declaring Day To Celebrate Preborn Life

by Melvin Soto Vázquez
Human Defense Initiative

This week, the Puerto Rico House of Representatives, approved House Bill 320 to celebrate and declare March 25th as the “Day of the Unborn Child.”

Representative Charbonier Laureano (NPP) introduced the bill in order to “promote one of the most fundamental rights of the human being, the right to life.”

“The right to life, is recognized as the most essential right that a human being can have. This right, inherent to each person, constitutes the main axis of human rights and, therefore, deserves the attention of the State, and of our entire society," reads the bill.

The measure also makes reference to section 7, article 2 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, which declares the right to life.

The bill sparked controversy in the House, but in final voting, 45 representatives voted in favor and only 4 voted against. Bringing almost bipartisanship support to the measure.

The purpose of the legislation is to invite citizens to reflect over the important role pregnant women represent in the destiny of humanity, the value of the human life that she carries and the dignity of the child.

The Department of State would have the responsibility to organize and sponsor the activities to celebrate the Day of the Unborn Child and will promote the participation of the citizens and private entities.

This life-affirming bill will now head to the Senate for voting. The U.S. territory of Puerto Rico could join countries like Argentina, Costa Rica, Spain, the Philippines, and others in the celebration of this precious day affirming the dignity of life in the womb.

Website: Human Defense Initiative

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