
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Stand in the Gap 2019 - Empowering Christian Men Concerned for America

from David E. Long
Executive Director, Ten Good Men

Save the Date!

January 18, 2019
Stand in the Gap 2019
Empowering Christian Men Concerned for America
Washington, DC

Happening that day...
  • 7 AM - Prayer in front of an abortion center near the Capitol Building
  • 8:30 AM - Training rally held over a mid-morning brunch (no cost to attend)
  • 12:00 PM - We'll join hundreds of thousands for the annual March for Life rally and procession up to the US Supreme Court Building

We need more volunteers for the planning team and I am asking if you would pray about joining that core group.

We are super busy behind the scenes plowing through a 20-week countdown to this event which we believe with all ours hearts will play an important role in empowering a few hundred Saints to make an positive impact back in their cities… and beyond...

But we need about 7-10 more core-team helpers!!

Here are just a few of the areas where people can serve on the planning team.
  • Social media help
  • Promotional Coordinator
  • Website creative and design work
  • Direct Mail coordinators and volunteers
  • One regional volunteer for each city to act as a transportation consultant
  • Recruiters – do you know 30 people you could invite and try to bring at least 10?
  • Table sponsors - $300 to cover food costs for a table of 10
  • Bus Sponsors – any value from $300 up to $3200 to cover a whole bus (we already have one full-bus sponsor!!)
  • Crowd Source Funding volunteers

If you have interest in helping with Stand in the Gap 2019 please let me know today by emailing me at and I will send you the call-in info.

Blessings and hope to hear from you soon!!

The Mission of Ten Good Men is to save lives, end abortion, and intentionally promote a groundswell movement of Christian men creating positive cultural change in America.  For more information, please use this link.  

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