
Sunday, September 23, 2018

Vice President Pence: White House ‘Stands Without Apology for the Sanctity of Human Life’

“If you look at the last year and a half, this is the most pro-life administration in American history.”

By Doug Mainwaring
Life Site News

Vice President Mike Pence brought a packed hall to its feet when he declared, 

“I couldn’t be more proud to serve as vice president to a president who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life.”
The Vice President spoke at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC, an annual gathering which draws conservative Christians from around the country.
“If you look at the last year and a half, this is the most pro-life administration in American history,” continued Pence.
 “You know, it was my privilege to be the first sitting vice president to ever address the March for Life. And earlier this year, President Trump made history when he became the first president to address the March for Life from the Rose Garden live from the White House.”
“Under this president’s leadership we’ve reinstated and expanded the Mexico City policy so that our tax dollars never go to organizations that promote or perform abortions around the world,” said the Vice President. 
“And it was my great honor as president of the Senate to cast the tie-breaking vote for the bill that President Trump signed to empower states to defend Planned Parenthood.”
“With your strong support, we’ve stood strong for life. But our administration has also taken action to protect and promote our first freedom, the freedom of religion and religious liberty for every American,” said Pence.
 “Last year President Trump chose the National Day of Prayer to announce new policies to protect the religious liberty of every American regardless of their creed.”
“We’ve taken action to protect the conscience rights of doctors and nurses,” said Pence. “And after years of neglect, we’ve restored federal enforcement of our nation’s conscience laws and we ended the last administration’s assault on the Little Sisters of the Poor.”
The Vice President said that freedom of speech shouldn’t end at the threshold of our churches, and so the Trump Administration ended enforcement of the “Johnson Amendment,” which refers to a provision in the United States tax code which prohibits all non-profit organizations, including churches, from endorsing or opposing political candidates. Pence pledged to “fight until we repeal the Johnson Amendment once and for all.”

Watch Vice President Pence's full speech:

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