
Friday, September 7, 2018

Waco Outreach: Gosnell, Cecile, Nobody's Fool, & More

from John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

1. Second Sunday Ecumenical Gathering: Sarah Zarr is our speaker
We gather for great food, good fellowship, and effective action planning on Sunday, September 9 at St. Mary’s Parish Hall. You know the Second Sunday routine. The location is St. Mary's Parish Hall at 1424 Columbus Ave. The meal is served all through the noon hour. So, if you don't come close to noon, we will still have plenty of food for you when you arrive. For the meeting from 1-2 p.m., the featured speaker will be Sarah Zarr, the Texas and Oklahoma Coordinator for Students for Life of America. Sarah will speak on “My Generation Will End Abortion”. Sarah is one of the dynamic young leaders that SFLA is grooming to be pro-life leaders in 2018 and beyond. This is a great month to invite a friend or relative to be introduced to life-defender ministry?

2. CareNet Banquet September 11

CareNet Pregnancy Center has hit a home run with its September 11 Annual Banquet. The keynote speaker will be Lila Rose, clearly one of the leading and most effective stars of the pro-life movement. She began her career as a life-defender with undercover video as a college student at UCLA. See all the details below. Individual tickets are $100. And tables are available. Here is the registration link 

3. Waco selected for Sept 28 pre-screening of the blockbuster Gosnell movie

BIG NEWS. Waco has been selected for a pre-screening of the Gosnell movie which will open in theaters nationwide in October. The Gosnell movie, rated PG-13, is the story of the now-imprisoned Philadelphia abortionist who murdered babies and abused moms with governmental authorities closing their eyes. The movie and discussion will be Friday, September 28 at 6 PM at the Braden Performing Arts Center at Reicher Catholic High School, 2102 N. 23rd Street. Deborah McGregor of CareNet Pregnancy Center will deliver introductory remarks. We will be honored to have the movie co-producer Phelim McAleer will be with us for the evening. He will be available to comment and answer your questions following the movie. We will have limited seating. Please RSVP to or 210-846-742 to be a part of this historic evening for the life-defender movement in Central Texas. Invited your friends and family. Just let us know how many will be in your party.

4. PLW to protest Cecile Richards at PP Austin event. First ever protest by land and air. 
And Saturday, September 29 will also be a very big day. That evening, Cecile Richards will be the honored keynote speaker for the Planned Parenthood Austin fundraising banquet at the Hyatt Regency Hotel (208 Barton Springs Road). As national PP CEO, Cecile Richards presided over the abortion of 3.5 million precious pre-born babies. Richards stepped down from managing national Planned Parenthood earlier this year. Richards was born in Waco, Texas at Hillcrest Hospital in 1959. Pro-Life Waco is organizing a ground-level protest and will also have an airplane flying over the Hyatt Regency with banner messages of STOP PLANNED PARENTHOOD and ABORTION HURTS.

 The prime protest time will be 5:30 to 7 pm. Pro-Life Waco is encouraging people from across the state to participate in the protest. You can drive down Austin on your own. Or you can join the car/van pool. We will depart that Saturday at 3:30 from St. Mary's Parish parking lot. On the way back to Waco we will stop for a meal provided by Pro-Life Waco. Please let me know if you would like to have a ride in the van pool or if you could make your vehicle available to carry others.

5. Waco PP’s Nobody’s Fool promiscuity seminar. Possible protest outreach.

The Lord is honoring the life-defender ministries of Central Texas with so many challenges. The Planned Parenthood Nobody’s Fool sex education/promoting event is back! Their target is children in grades 4-8. The 20-year run of Planned Parenthood Nobody's Fool was suspended in 2013 and has returned. I have learned that a Nobody's Fool event schedule for this Saturday, September 8 from 1 to 5 pm. There will also be a parent preview at 6 PM on Thursday. What I don't know is the location am trying to determine that. If we find out the location I will try quickly to organize a protest greeting. If you are available for either time, please send me your name and phone number in response to this message. We will have to move quickly and strongly. Earlier in this century, we would have 60 to 70 life defenders on-site protesting and encouraging adults not to subject their children to the designs of Planned Parenthood. Are you in?

From what you see above, you know that Pro-Life Waco counters Planned Parenthood from every direction. The precious babies we defend need more laborers in the vineyard and, if possible, more discipleship from each laborer.

The photos that follow show 25 faithful foot soldiers in prayer and sidewalk counseling at the Waco Planned Parenthood holocaust center last Wednesday morning.

Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity. For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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