
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Where Can Pregnant Rape Victims and Prostitutes Get Help? Pregnancy Centers.

“This child is just a joy to our entire family, and I am so thankful I decided not to go through with taking that pill.”

By Kelli
Live Action News

The abortion industry and its friends begun amping up their attacks on pregnancy resource centers, which provide services to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies completely free of charge — services like pregnancy testing, STD testing, ultrasounds, referrals to other social services, free clothing and other baby items, educational classes, and more. 

Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, which have been known to protect child sexual abusers and traffickers, and which have also been known to lie and coerce pregnant women into abortion, complains that these pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) are deceptive and unhelpful to women who are considering abortion.

But is this true?

Live Action News spoke to Jamie*, the director of the ABC Pregnancy Resource Center* in Illinois, for some answers. Jamie stated that they are “very upfront” when women call asking about abortion, telling them, “We don’t perform them, we don’t refer for them, but you have options; we care, and our hope is that you’ll make an informed decision, and we can help you in that process.”

After rape, she was going to abort… until she saw her baby on the ultrasound

Pregnancy resource centers sometimes encounter pregnant women who are victims of sexual assault. Jamie recalled one woman who visited the center, Sally*, who became pregnant after suffering an assault at the hands of someone she knew. 
“When she came, she was pretty determined to have an abortion,” Jamie said. “She came in, she had a pregnancy test, she knew that she was pregnant. She just really wanted to work through it and we offered to be here for her and just pray for her.”
 Sally refused an ultrasound offered by the PRC staff.

She left, still believing abortion to be her best option, and scheduled an abortion appointment in Chicago. 
“She went to the abortion clinic appointment, was on the table, and she asked to see the ultrasound and they refused,” Jamie said. But Sally “was adamant [and] … she said, ‘you have to show it to me.’ She saw her baby, and she said, ‘I knew… I knew I couldn’t do it.’ And she got up off the table and left… and was berated by [the abortion facility staff].”
 Later, after Sally gave birth, she brought the baby to the PRC to show the staff and volunteers.

This was two years ago, and Sally recently stopped by the PRC again. She’s now married, and her husband has adopted her baby as his own. Jamie said Sally wanted to donate baby supplies to the center, and told her, “I’m so thankful I had this baby and I’m so thankful for you guys. And my life is going really well.”

An ultrasound at the pregnancy center made her say no to the abortion pill at Planned Parenthood

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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