
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Why Pro-Lifers Who Adopt Liberal Positions Often Forget What It Means to be Pro-Life

"...our society’s voiceless victims....are often dismissed while politicians who celebrate the right to kill them are celebrated as compassionate defenders of the downtrodden."

By Jonathan Van Maren
Life Site News

In 2015, a documentary on gun violence in America titled Armor of Light was released, directed by Abigail Disney and promoted as the riveting story of an evangelical pastor who confronts his Second Amendment-loving community on the truth about guns. 

According to the film’s website, the story “tracks Reverend Rob Schenck, anti-abortion activist and fixture on the political far right, who breaks with orthodoxy by questioning whether being pro-gun is consistent with being pro-life.”

Fast-forward to 2018, and the Reverend Rob Schenck is now a formeranti-abortion activist, and has appeared in a propaganda video for the progressive outfit NowThisPolitics explaining why, after years of frontline activism with Operation Rescue and other organizations, he has changed his mind about abortion. 

It apparently has something to do with him realizing that if he had been a woman in a certain situation at a certain point in his life, he might have had an abortion. 

The logic is rather bewildering, as is the fact that he’d never tried to put himself in the shoes of a woman considering an abortion until after decades of activism. His change of mind is utterly incoherent, as is his decision to allow the abortion activists to weaponize him against his former friends.

But it is not the incoherence of Schenck’s transformation that struck me most—it is the fact that for some reason, Christians who become liberal seem so prone to these transformations. 

If you believe that human beings are created in God’s image, then abortion—a grotesquely violent procedure that reduces that developing human being into bloody slurry—must be considered our society’s ugliest and most pervasive evil. 

But for some reason, when Christians begin to adopt liberal positions on a variety of issues, they often seem to abandon their pro-life position—or at least downgrade it as a matter of third or fourth-rate importance.

The Reverend Rob Schenck is just one example. The gun issue isn’t even one that I really care about—I’m the kind of guy who got a license to purchase and use restricted firearms years ago and still hasn’t gotten around to buying one. 

It’s the simple fact that Schenck started off by insisting that if you were “pro-life,” you must also necessarily be anti-gun—an obviously illogical position regardless of your opinion on how far-reaching the Second Amendment should be—and then decided that he was rescinding his previous position opposing the killing of pre-born children in the womb, thus rendering the entire point of his soul-searching documentary entirely moot. 

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