
Saturday, September 1, 2018

Will Oprah Give Equal Time for Women to Shout Their Abortion Regrets?

By Melissa Barnhart
Christian Post

There are hundreds of thousands of women in America who regret their abortions and their supporters are calling on Oprah to let their voices be heard too.

At least twice this year O magazine has featured articles supportive of abortion rights. Most recently, #ShoutYourAbortion co-creator Amelia Bonow was profiled as an activist whose mission is to destigmatize abortion by giving women an outlet to post messages about their abortions while advocating for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.

"First of all, to shoutout about your abortion like it's the greatest thing that happened to you is very misguided, because you've caused the death of an unborn child," said Janet Morana, co-founder of Silent No More Awareness Campaign, in response to Bonow's article during an interview with The Christian Post. "I don't see it as anything to be celebrated."
"I deal with all the aftermath, all the women who've been hurt physically and psychologically from abortion. I just find it such a farce that they tout this as a safe, wonderful medical procedure when in fact it's not," she added.
In the piece for O magazine and, Bonow describes her distress in 2015 when the U.S. House voted to defund Planned Parenthood, the national abortion chain where she'd had an abortion the previous year. Although the House had voted to defund Planned Parenthood, the bill failed in the Senate and the business continues to get over $500 million from federal taxpayers every year.

Although Bonow has denigrated pro-life activists as "cultural dinosaurs" and "people who bankroll and inspire domestic terrorists," Morana isn't calling for O and other left-of-center women's magazines to stifle pro-choice speech. Instead, she and others like her say they're just asking for equal time.

(PHOTO: REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST)Activists hold signs reading "I regret my abortion" onstage as they participate in the annual March for Life rally in Washington, January 25, 2013.
"It's my experience that most of these liberal magazines won't give us the voice," said Morana, who's also executive director of Priests for Life. "We'd love to have it. Can we have some equal time? Can we have a fair and honest debate? Can I bring a few women who can talk about the physical damage and you can bring a few who think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, and let's have an open and honest conversation? But they don't want to do that," she added.
This is not the first time that Winfrey has been perceived as supporting abortion rights. In 1996, an episode of the "Oprah Winfrey Show" aired clips from the HBO pro-abortion film "If These Walls Could Talk" starring Demi Moore, Sissy Spacek and Cher. And earlier this year, O magazine featured "10 Superhero Nurses Making a Big Difference" which included a nurse who works at North Dakota's lone abortion clinic. 

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