
Monday, October 22, 2018

14 Days Out: Here’s How You Can Know Where Candidates Stand on Abortion

By Karen Cross, Political Director
National Right to Life

The November 6 general election is two weeks from tomorrow. Early voting has already begun in many states.

Do you know where your candidates for federal office and the governor’s office stand on abortion? If not, you not only should but you must!

Before you vote, be sure to go to and click on the menu “Pro-Life Candidates.” Click on your state for a downloadable list of pro-life gubernatorial and federal candidates.

(For your state and local candidates, contact your state affiliate. You can find information for them at

The stakes are enormous! Each day 3,000 preborn babies die by abortion in the United States. They need your voice and your vote.

Make every vote count for the babies. They can’t vote, but you can.

Please encourage your pro-life friends and family to do the same. Share this on social media and even email.

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