
Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Knight's Witness At Comly Road

Members of Regina Mundi Council outside of Planned Parenthood

When we read medieval or fantasy theme books, we normally see knights in shining armor.

In reality, a Catholic man does not need to put on heavy armor, carry a sword, and save damsel in distress. Well, the last part you do and here's why:

Since the founding of the Knights of Columbus in 1882, the largest Catholic global fraternity of the world with nearly 2 million men, the order has come to the aid of the mother church in times of turmoil. One is helping in the offering of the ultrasound to abortion-minded woman. I have been a member of the order for 10 years thanks to my father who held many ranks in the order.

Steven Jackson, a member of Regina Mundi Council in the Huntingdon Valley area, shared his experience outside Planned Parenthood on Comly Rd:

Yesterday was our 40 Days for Life vigil at the Comly Road Planned Parenthood (PP).  We had a great response as we covered every hour that the facility was open which is unusual for most organizations.  Those in attendance were Past-Grand Knight Michael Arment, Jim Brennan, Steve Clark, Past Grand Knight Fred May, Greg Baraniecki, Glen Michaels and Rich Gathercole.

In addition, I would like to share a comment from one of the PP escorts.  The escorts go out to the parking lots and greet the people who are entering the facility.  The escorts do this because they do not want the people talking to us.  In the escort's mind, they are protecting the people from harassment and intimidation.  At the end of her shift, the escort walked up and stated that she was amazed at how kind and considerate we were when speaking to the people entering the facility.  There were times that we could have close eye-to-eye contact and conversation with some people.  Often, the escorts try to prevent us from getting close to the people.

Responding to the escort, I stated that we are Knights of Columbus.  We can only hope that a little of God's mercy followed the people we encountered yesterday. 

To my brother knights, you're needed outside of abortion facilities. Take time to participate in prayer vigils and help abortion minded mothers save their precious gift in the womb today.

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