
Sunday, October 21, 2018

French President Emmanuel Macron Says Women Who Have Large Families are Uneducated

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Abortion supporters and population control proponents have frequently targeted those with large families — claiming that they are selfish or hurting the environment or that mothers of such families are somehow demeaning themselves compared to other women because they desired more children.

French President Emmanuel Macron is the latest to insult people with large families, as he said women who mother such families are uneducated. His comments came in association with remarks trashing women in Africa for not exercising population control.

The French president, who has come under fire over his views on Africa in the past, added that the future for the continent’s young people must be to stay in a revitalised Africa, and insisted it was “pure bull—-” to suggest he was telling African people from New York what to do with their lives.

“One of the critical issues of African demography is that this is not chosen fertility,” said Macron, speaking at the Gates Foundation’s “goalkeepers” event on the margins of the UN general assembly in New York.
“I always say: ‘Present me the woman who decided, being perfectly educated, to have seven, eight or nine children.”
He added: “This is just because a lot of girls were not properly educated, sometimes because these countries decided the rights of these girls were not exactly the same rights as the young man. That is not acceptable”.

Macron’s comments shouldn’t be surprising given his recent decision to honor a prominent French abortion activist. This summer,

Veil, who died at age 89 on June 30, 2017, was laid to rest alongside her husband in the Pantheon, which is one of the highest posthumous honors a French citizen can receive, the AP reports. Noteworthy French citizens also buried in the Pantheon include Victor Hugo, Voltaire, Marie Curie and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

During the ceremony, Macron issued a few words celebrating Veil’s work, claiming, “France loves Simone Veil.” After surviving the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen death camps with the prisoner number 78651 tattooed on her arm, Veil served as the Health Minister of France in 1975, according to Reuters. She also served as the first female president of the European Parliament from 1979 to 1982.

As Health Minister, she advocated for the legalization of abortion. In 1975, she was successful, and the first French legislation that legalized abortion, “Loi Veil,” is named after her. Not only was it the first piece of legislation that legalized abortion in France, but it also made France the first predominantly Roman Catholic nation to legalize the abhorrent procedure.

Website: Life News

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