
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Have You Ever Prayed for an Abortionist or Women Who Get Abortions?

"No problem in our society right now is more urgent in the heart of God than abortion."  

By Father Frank Pavone
Life News

How do we “pray to end abortion?” There are very specific contours to this multi-faceted intention, and in this sixth and final part of this series, we continue to explore what they are.

Among those for whom we pray are the abortionist and his or her staff, the people actually carrying out the killing. These people are under terrible deceit and under terrible distress. They are so devastated themselves and conflicted and harmed and wounded by the acts of killing that they are carrying out. We have to pray that the light breaks through that darkness, that the truth breaks through that denial, and that they repent and cease their actions of killing. Pray for the abortionists.

And then we pray for those who are reaching out to that child. There are often sidewalk counselors. There are pregnancy centers working day and night to reach abortion-minded moms and dads before they even get to that abortion facility. 

Praying for an end to abortion means praying for the entire pro-life effort: pregnancy centers, pro-life educational groups, and the wide variety of people in the movement who are advocating and trying to save these lives. Praying for an end to abortion means praying for all these people.

What it also means is praying for our lawmakers. Abortion happens not only because of despair in the heart of that mom and/or dad, or grandparents; it happens because of a fault in our legal system where just laws have been replaced by unjust laws, which are acts of violence. Saint John Paul II said this is the death of freedom. It’s only a caricature of democracy and legality. It is the introduction of a tyrant state where the weak are no longer protected from the strong. And the disintegration of the state, itself, has begun when abortion is permitted (see Evangelium Vitae n.20).

This, too, is what we pray against when we pray to end abortion. We pray against this disintegration of the state, this caricature of democracy, which comes when policies are put in place that permit the killing of these children in the womb. And who has to repent here? Who has to be changed? First of all, the lawmakers, themselves, that they recognize that the first purpose of law is the protection of rights over which they, themselves, do not have any authority.

Continue reading here

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