
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Humanae Vitae Conference in Philadelphia

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia held a Humanae Vitae Conference. More than 30 of them were happening were happening around the country to commemorate its 50th anniversary.

The event comes at a perfect timing as the church was prepared to canonize Pope Paul VI, the writer of the encyclical. And it also happens as a way for the Archdiocese to honor Respect Life Month. It's no coincidence was working well with Steve Bozza, who heads the Life and Family Office, to get  creative on its theme and when to hold it.

The theme of the event focused mainly on the consequences if the culture accepts contraception and other forms of abortifacients.

Dr. Janet Smith holding her newest book Self Gift

Dr. Janet Smith is no stranger when it came to her ground breaking research on the dangers of birth control. She is a provocative defender of the encyclical. When it first came out, she was 18 and bound to attend her first year of college at Grinnell College in Iowa. It was there that she had an epiphany when she challenged a group of radicals who wanted to liberalize abortion laws in the state. Sadly she was told to "shut up" and "not welcomed into the group." It would soon lead her back to the Catholic Church because it has "got it right for 2 millenniums".

The two biggest problems, as Smith points out, were the active homosexuality among priests and radical Catholics who promoted birth control like Margaret Sanger. The solution is to pressure the immorality happening now for real changes and reform in the Catholic Church.

The second speaker was Father Robert McTeigue, S.J. a professor at Ave Maria University, who spoke on the prophesies of the document. One such is the government getting involved with the abortion debate by promoting it in other countries. Sound familiar? The starting point to end abortion is praying and fasting. Pray for clarity for all the see the destructive force of abortion. Pray for lives and souls to be saved.

The third speaker was Mary Rice Hasson. She spoke on how contraception was a false advancement of women while also debunking that women don't need men in their lives. She reminds us that sex is for procreation and love between a chaste man and woman, not ambiguity and promiscuity with multiple partners.

Vicki Thorn from Project Rachel took time to encourage those in attendance to reach out to post-abortive women with love and mercy. Angela LaFranchi, a breast surgeon, shared that importance of knowing our family history to be prepared. She shared that women who have had abortions have a higher risk of the number two leading cause of death among them.

Those in attendance were left with a glam of hope from Sister Grace Dominic of the Sisters of Life. Using the analogy of Rudy, we must "give our heart and soul for the defense of human life."

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