
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Jeopardy’s Alex Trebek to Host Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Debate

Pro-Life Former PA State
Senator Scott Wagner
PA Governor Tom Wolf
Pennsylvania State Seal 

By Maria Gallagher, PA Pro-Life Federation
National Right to Life

Question: What do Pennsylvania voters need to watch in order to know where the candidates for Governor stand on abortion?

Answer: The Pennsylvania Gubernatorial debate.

“Jeopardy” host Alex Trebek will be posing questions to the two major party candidates for Pennsylvania Governor at a highly-anticipated debate Monday night. 

The televised showdown pits pro-abortion Governor Tom Wolf—a former Planned Parenthood clinic escort—against pro-life former state Senator Scott Wagner.

If Trebek does his homework–and, as a life-long viewer of “Jeopardy,” I would expect no less—he will ask about the candidates’ differing stands on the life issues.

The two contenders are certainly a study in contrasts. Wolf vetoed Pennsylvania’s popular ban on grisly dismemberment abortions. He opposes a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion—even though the vast majority of Americans support such a ban. And he is prepared to strike a blow against disability rights with a threatened veto of the Commonwealth’s Down Syndrome Protection Act.

Wagner has the complete opposite view of abortion and its harmful effects. He supported the ban on gruesome dismemberment abortions, where a baby is torn limb by limb from a mother’s womb. He opposes taxpayer funding of abortions, and supports the Down Syndrome Protection Act.

The “Jeopardy” debate is the only scheduled debate between the two candidates. That makes it must-see TV for Pennsylvania voters, who will head to the polls November 6th.

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